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Turkish Citizenship - Safe Realty Global

Turkish citizenship

Conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship

After the last amendment issued by the Turkish government in the year 2022 the amount of investment for obtaining the Turkish citizenship was raised to be 400,000 $ through real-estate investment and  remained 500,000 $ through bank deposits.

According to the law, a foreign citizen who buys a property or a group of properties with a value of at least 400,000 US dollars can directly obtain Turkish citizenship, providing that it can not sold for three years.

Other conditions that must be adhered to:

  • All financial transactions for the purchase of property must be done through banks, and transactions outside banks cannot be accepted.
  • You cannot buy real estate from any foreign (non-Turkish) person.
  • If you buy a property in instalments, the amount already paid will be calculated, and the price of the debt that you will pay in instalments will not be considered.
  • The value of the property that you will buy must be even slightly higher than the value of (400) thousand dollars, so that there are no problems when obtaining a real estate appraisal.
  • The money in foreign currency must be deposited in Turkish banks and then change its currency to the Turkish currency through the Central Bank of Turkey and take the transfer receipt as a document to be placed in the citizenship file.
  • You cannot sell the property you bought, during the three years following the purchase.

Required Papers and Documents

  • The personal birth certificate of the investor and his family members (husband or wife and children under the age of 18 and Egyptians under the age of 21).
  • 2 biometric personal photos (recent for all family members).
  • Marriage document (marriage contract) in case the owner of the property is married and wishes to submit the citizenship file with his family.
  • A copy of the Tapu (title deed of the purchased property) or the notarized contract.
  • Valid property evaluation report (validity of the report is 3 months).
  • Original payment receipts from the buyer’s account to the seller account stamped with the seal of the sending bank.
  • Original receivables from the seller’s account, stamped with the seal of the receiving bank.
  • Foreign currency exchange receipts by the Central Bank of Turkey.
  • Two copies of the agency for obtaining citizenship.
  • Translating the passport into Turkish, and attesting it from Notre in Turkey for all family members: husband and wife, and children under 18 years old.

stage 1

istisnai Olarak Türk Vatandaşlığının ka zanılması başvurunuz başvuru makamınca e - Vatandaşlık Sistemine kaydedilmiş olup gerekli işlemlere başlanacaktır

Your file has been registered in the electronic system

stage 2

istisnai Olarak Türk Vatandaşlığının ka zanılması başvurunuza ait belgeler Genel Müdürlüğümüzegönderilmiş ancak henüz Genel Müdürlüğümüze ulaşmamıştır

The file is on its way to the General Directorate of Souls

stage 3

istisnai Olarak Türk Vatandaşlığının ka zanılması başvurunuz Genel Müdürlüğümüze ulaşmış olup başvuru belgeleriniz incelenmektedir

The file was received by the Directorate of General Souls

stage 4

istisnai Olarak Türk Vatandaşlığının ka zanılması başvurunuza ilişkin arşiv araştırması yapılmak üzere ilgili kurum (lar) a gönderilmiştir

The file has been sent for search and verification in the archives

stage 5

istisnai Olarak Türk Vatandaşlığının ka zanılması başvurunuza Karar Makamına sunulacak olan listeye dahil edilecek tir

The file will be added to the group list

stage 6

istisnai Olarak Türk Vatandaşlığının kazanılması başvurunuz karar Makamına 6 sunulacak olan listeye dahil edilmiştir

The file has been added to the list that will be sent to the Presidency of the Republic

stage 7

istisnai Olarak Türk Vatandaşlığının ka zanılması başvurunuz Karar alınmak Üzere Karar Makamina

The file has been sent to the Presidency of the Republic for signature

stage 8

istisnai Olarak Türk Vatandaşlığının ka zanılması başvuru sonucunuz nüfus kütüklerine tescil aşamasındadır

The result of your citizenship file is under registration with the Turkish Soul Directorate

stage 9

istisnai Olarak Türk Vatandaşlığının ka zanılması başvuru makamına müracaat etmeniz gerekme

You must review the Directorate of Souls to receive the naturalization decision

Important steps

Frequently asked questions According to the law issued by the Turkish state, in the case of a foreigner who buys a property worth 400 thousand dollars or more, he is entitled to obtain Turkish citizenship

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